I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed lately. It is my own fault. At the beginning of the year I added several projects as I needed to be busier than I was. Looking long-term, I knew if I had more on the go, one aspect of my life would have to fall into the background as a result--you know, I can't do thus and so because I'm too busy. Now that the reality is upon me, I wonder if I have what it takes to carry through with dropping what I need to drop, or if I will instead let slide other things I've added more recently.
Yesterday, I had a bit of a panic. I have a 600 word story to write for my writer's group. For some reason, I thought it had to be submitted tomorrow, and I hadn't even started it yet. Eep. I came home from work and pounded out 297 words. What happened to the 1,666 I wrote every day in November? Then I discovered I had another week, so left it. That is when I realized I might choose the easy path, rather than the harder one.
I still haven't done much on Bekah's wedding dress. I suppose I could cheat and consider it my TIF March project, as I always pay attention to detail when I sew (properly finished seams, careful zippers etc.), but that wouldn't be much fun. Besides, I'm loving the process of the TIF challenge.
It is also making a difference to how I view my writing. I would have finished the 600 words yesterday without a second thought, but now I'm analyzing how to take it further. Instead of the obvious conclusion, I'm thinking of tricky endings.
Ah well, off to sew a bit on the wedding dress and then maybe some editing of my NaNo before bed.