I received the supply list for Sharon B's studio journal class through Joggles. Ooh, one more thing to do. At the Cirque, I purchased The Spark: Igniting the Creative Fire That Lives Within Us All. One thing mentioned is that deadlines feed our creativity. When we are pushed to the wall time-wise, it forces our mind to come up with alternate solutions to problems. From experience, I know this is true. I wrote a novel in two months because I had a deadline. Editing is harder as there isn't the deadline to work under.
Initially, I signed up for the Take It Further challenge to give myself art deadlines. I wanted the same intense need to be creative in the visual field. Although I've done the projects each month, some haven't seemed very creative to me, so I signed up for the Studio Journal class.
Unfortunately, I'd managed to pull a Scarlet O'Hara and put off thinking about it until tomorrow. Now I need to find ways to amalgamate some of my projects. My black and white entry can also work as my roosting robin challenge. Work from the journal class will give me sketches to work from for the TIF challenge (something I desperately need). I've also joined a local group to work through Jane Davila's book. Ah well, what's one more thing?
Here's where June's TIF is at. Does it need anything else, or should I just quilt it? Any earthshaking suggestions for quilting? I'm thinking maybe a fashion photo like on a pattern cover, and maybe scissors and measuring tape. Feel free to discuss.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Studio Journal Course